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自动化学术论坛[2018第24期]:英国德蒙福特... 日期:2018-04-04

内容简介:Evolutionary Computation (EC) encapsulates a class of stochastic ptimization algorithms, which are inspired by principles from natural and biological evolution. EC has been wi...

自动化学术论坛[2018第23期]:南非比勒陀利... 日期:2018-03-23

内容简介:In the multi-zone building multi-evaporator air conditioning system, the trade-off between satisfying the air quality requirements and reducing energy consumption has become a...

自动化学术论坛[2018第22期]:澳大利亚悉尼... 日期:2018-03-23

内容简介:Electric vehicles (EVs) adopting both batteries and supercapacitors have attracted a significant amount of attention in research communities due to their unique power-sharing ...

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