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自动化学术论坛[2018第32期]:日本早稻田大... 日期:2018-04-28

内容简介:The 4D-GIS platform is applied to the design of wind power transmission networks and the operation support of microgrid clusters. For the design of wind power transmission net...

自动化学术论坛[2018第31期]:日本千叶大学... 日期:2018-04-27

内容简介:Most of control systems are designed based on model. So, the validity of system model is of a vital importance for the quality of designed system. However, it is impossible to...

自动化学术论坛[2018第29期]:日本早稻田大... 日期:2018-04-24

内容简介: - Clean Energy Technology for Reduction of CO2 Emissions - Micro Grid by Using Local Energy for Reduction of CO2 Emissions - Future Electricity Delivery Grids for Reliable Po...

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