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时间:2022-06-19 来源: 作者: 点击:



报告地点:信息楼自动化学院310报告厅、腾讯会议(ID:  555-2655-9115,  会议密码:220622







报告地点:信息楼自动化学院310报告厅、腾讯会议(ID:  555-2655-9115,  会议密码:220622


报告题目:  欠驱动吊车轨迹规划及非线性控制

内容简介:  吊车具有结构简单、灵活度高、能耗低、重量轻等诸多优点,被广泛应用于建筑业、物流业、冶金业、制造业等领域,其主要任务是将货物“快而准”地搬运至目标位置,并使货物摆动尽可能地小。当前,在实际中应用的吊车大多依赖于人工操作,呈现出效率低、误操作率高、安全系数低、事故率高等诸多不足。对于该类系统,由于系统独立的控制输入个数少于待控自由度,且体现出强非线性特性,其“以少控多”的控制问题具有挑战性,因此其控制研究具有理论与实际的双重重要价值。在本报告中,报告人将汇报近年来在欠驱动吊车系统(桥式吊车、桅杆式吊车、塔式吊车、船用吊车等)的建模、规划、控制等方面取得的一些研究成果,之后将介绍在其它类似机器人系统上进行的一些拓展研究情况。

报告人简介:  孙宁,南开大学人工智能学院教授、博导,教育部“青年长江学者”,南开大学“百名青年学科带头人”,IEEE  Senior Member,曾获日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外籍特别研究员基金资助。从事机器人的智能控制与应用领域的教学和科研工作,主持国家自然科学基金(联合基金)重点项目、国家重点研发计划课题等10多个基金。获多个期刊/会议的杰出/最佳论文奖、Machines  2021 Young Investigator Award2021年中国产学研合作创新奖(个人)、2019年吴文俊人工智能优秀青年奖、2019年中国智能制造十大科技进展(排名二)、天津市自然科学一等奖(排名二)、吴文俊人工智能自然科学一等奖(排名二)、2项天津市专利奖(分别排名一、二)、ICCAR  2022 Young Scientist Award等。担任IEEE  Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  IET Cyber-Systems & Robotics, International Journal of Control,  Automation, and Systems, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement  and Control, Frontiers in Neurorobotics等期刊的编委,以及机器人与自动控制权威会议IEEE  ICRAIEEE  IROSACCIEEE  CDC的编委。



报告地点:信息楼自动化学院310报告厅、Zoom会议(ID:   925 1392 9633, Password: 220622

人:László  T. Kóczy,  牙利布达佩斯技术与经济大学教授

报告题目:Discrete  Bacterial Memetic Evolutionary Algorithms for solving high complexity  problems

内容简介:Evolutionary  algorithms attempt to copy the solutions nature offers for solving (in the  quasi-optimal sense) intractable problems, whose exact mathematical solution is  impossible. The prototype of such algorithms is the Genetic Algorithm, which is,  however rather slow and often does not find a sufficient solution. Nawa and  Furuhashi proposed a more efficient modified one, under the name of Bacterial  Evolutionary Algorithm (BEA). Moscato proposed the combination of evolutionary  global search with nested local search based on traditional optimization  techniques, and called the new approach memetic algorithm (MA).

We  attempted to combine BEA first with Levenberg-Marquardt local search and we  obtained very good results on a series of benchmarks. The next step was to apply  the new type of MA for NP-hard discrete optimization, starting with the classic  and well known Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), applying discrete local search,  and thus proposing the novel Discrete Bacterial Memetic Evolutionary Algorithm  (DBMEA). Then, we continued with a series of related, but mathematically  different graph search problems, applying the same approach. Although we could  not improve the tailor made Helsgaun-Lin-Kernighan (HLK) heuristics for the  basic TSP, we got comparably good results, and in some other problem cases, we  obtained new, so far the best accuracy and running time combinations. The  Traveling Repairman Problem is an eminent example, where DBMEA delivers the best  solutions.

The  advantages of the new approach are as follows:

- Rater  general applicability. With minimal adaptation to the concrete problem type the  same method could be successfully applied, there was no need to construct new  tailor made algorithms for every new problem

- Predictability.  Knowing the problem size, it was easy to give a good estimation of the running  time, assuming a certain accuracy. This is not true for any of the other  approaches, including the HLK, and especially not true for other methods,  finding approximate solutions (often with large error)

In  the talk, two examples will be presented with standard benchmarks going up to  large numbers of graph nodes, and the DBMEA results will be compared with the  best practices from the literature. The predictability feature will also be  illustrated by a size-running time graph.

报告人简介:László  T. Kóczy  received the M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from the Technical University of  Budapest (BME) in 1975, 1976 and 1977, respectively; and the D.Sc. degree from  the Hungarian Academy of Science in 1998. He spent his career at BME until 2001,  and from 2002 at Szechenyi Istvan University (Gyor, SZE). He has been from 2002  to 2011 Dean of Engineering and from 2013 to current President of the University  Research Council and of the University Ph.D. Council. From 2012 he has been a  member of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (for higher education),  appointed by the Prime Minister, and elected Chair of the Engineering and  Computer Science sub-committee, member of the Professors and Ph.D.  sub-committee, and has been a member of the National Doctoral Council since  2012. He has been a visiting professor in Australia (ANU, UNSW, Murdoch and  Deakin), in Japan (TIT, being LIFE Endowed Fuzzy Theory Chair Professor), in  Korea (POSTECH),Poland AGH University, Austria (J. Kepler U.), and Italy (U. of  Trento), etc. His research interests are fuzzy systems, evolutionary and memetic  algorithms and neural networks as well as applications. He has published over  890 articles, most of those being refereed papers, and several text books and  numerous edited volumes on the subject. His Hirsch-index is 41 by Google Scholar  (based on ~71350 citations there).

His  main results are: he did introduce the concept of rule interpolation in  sparse fuzzy models, and hierarchical interpolative fuzzy  systems, fuzzy Hough transform, and also fuzzy  signatures and fuzzy situational maps, further fuzzy signature state  machines among others. He also proposed a family of memetic  algorithms (Bacterial Memetic Algorithm, Discrete Bacterial Memetic  Algorithm) which, among others, provides the best solutions to the Minimum  Latency Traveling Salesman Problem. His research interests include applications  of CI for telecommunication, transportation and logistics, vehicles and mobile  robots, control, information retrieval, etc.  

He  was Lead  Guest Editor at Complexity and is now at Algorithms and Symmetry. He  was an Associate Editor of IEEE TFS for several periods, and is now AE of Fuzzy  Sets and Systems, Int. Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Journal of Advanced  Computational Intelligence, Int. J. of Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing, etc. He is  a Fellow of IFSA, of ISME and of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering. He was  the founding President and is now the Life Honorary President of the Hungarian  Fuzzy Association, was President, etc. of IFSA, AdCom member of IEEE CIS, and of  IEEE Systems Council, etc.

He  is a member of the St. Stephan Academy of Science (2016), and for in member of  the Polish Academy of Science (2017). He is the 2020 recipient of the IEEE Fuzzy  Pioneer Award.

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