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自动化学术论坛[2023第27-32期]:ICPS 2023会前专题讲座

时间:2023-05-06 来源: 作者: 点击:


报告时间:58日(星期一)下午 14:00-14:30


人:Chunjie ZhouHuazhong University of Science and Technology

报告题目:Cyber Security Protection Technology for Control Systems in the Context of Industrial Internet

内容简介:Industrial  control systems are typical examples of complex cyber-physical systems  that play a vital role in the national economy and people's daily lives.  As critical national infrastructure, they have widespread applications  across various industries. With the increasing adoption of industrial  internet technologies and the deep integration of informatization and  industrialization, the issue of information security in industrial  control systems has become increasingly prominent. However, the  operational modes, working characteristics, and structural features of  industrial control systems make their information security issues  different from those of traditional IT systems. This report first  introduces industrial internet technologies and analyzes the information  security protection framework of the industrial internet. Then, based  on the characteristics of industrial control systems, it provides a  detailed analysis of the unique information security issues and  challenges of control systems in the industrial internet environment.  Finally, the report discusses possible solutions to information security  protection in this context and introduces the key technologies  involved.

报告人简介:Chunjie Zhou  is a distinguished professor, doctoral supervisor, and Special Class I  professor of the Huazhong Scholars Program at Huazhong University of  Science and Technology. He has received the Baosteel Outstanding Teacher  Award and serves as a member of the Teaching Steering Committee for  Automation in Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of  Education. He is also the Associate Dean of the School of Artificial  Intelligence and Automation at Huazhong University of Science and  Technology and the Chairman of the Wuhan Automation Association. His  research focuses on the security of the industrial internet and  industrial cyber-physical systems. As a principal investigator, he has  led projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, national  key research and development plans, and other national programs. He has  published over 40 academic papers in significant domestic and  international journals and conferences and has been invited to  contribute articles to prestigious journals like Proceedings of the  IEEE. He has also published more than 20 papers in top-tier  international journals such as IEEE Transactions. He has participated in  the development of over 10 national standards related to the security  of industrial control systems and held more than 20 authorized national  invention patents.


报告时间:58日(星期一)下午 14:30-15:00


人:Chunjie YangZhejiang University

报告题目:Key technology and application of high-performance intelligent operation control of large blast furnace ironmaking system

内容简介:High-performance  operation control of large blast furnace iron-making system is a major  demand for "safe, high-quality, efficient and low-carbon" operation of  the iron and steel industry. This report addresses the challenges of  high-performance operation control brought by the high smelting  temperature, high spatial and temporal dynamics, and high complexity of  the large blast furnace ironmaking system, describes the key  technologies of intelligent sensing, intelligent diagnosis and safe  operation, and intelligent optimized cooperative control of the system,   introduces the system development and implementation results, and  discusses the future research direction and challenges.

报告人简介:Chunjie Yang is  a distinguished professor of Zhejiang University, doctoral supervisor,  deputy director of the National Engineering Research Center for  Industrial Automation, an expert enjoying the special government  allowance of the State Council, and a winner of the first prize of the  National Science and Technology Progress Award. He is a standing member  of Technical Committee on Process Control, member of Metallurgical  Automation Branch of Chinese Society of Metals. He is mainly engaged in  research on Industrial Internet, digital twins, optimal control and  fault diagnosis of ironmaking system, etc. He has presided over a number  of important scientific research work such as the Industrial Internet  Innovation and Development Project of the Ministry of Industry and  Information Technology of the People's Republic of China and the key  projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He  authorized over 50 invention patents, published over 100 academic  papers, won one first prize and two second prizes of the National  Science and Technology Progress Award, and six provincial and  ministerial level science and technology awards.


报告时间:58日(星期一)下午 15:00-15:30


人:Fan YangTsinghua University

报告题目:Causality and Root Cause Analysis Based on Data Analytics

内容简介:This  presentation will introduce advanced alarm strategy and abnormal  situation monitoring based on process data analytics and, in particular,  correlation/causality analysis based on mining of process and alarm  data in combination with process connectivity knowledge, with  applications to root cause analysis of propagated or even plant-wide  abnormalities. The methods of Granger causality and transfer entropy  will be demonstrated.

报告人简介:Fan Yang  received the B.Eng. degree in Automation and the Ph.D. degree in  Control Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing,  China, in 2002 and 2008, respectively. After working as a Postdoctoral  Fellow with Tsinghua University and the University of Alberta, he joined  the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University in 2011, where he is  currently a Professor. His research interests include topology modeling  of large-scale processes, abnormal events monitoring, process hazard  analysis, and smart alarm management. He was a recipient of the Young  Research Paper Award from the IEEE Control Systems Society Beijing  Chapter in 2006, the Science and Technology Progress Award from the  Chinese Association of Automation in 2018, the Zhang Zhongjun Excellent  Paper Award in 2019, and the Teaching Achievement Awards from Tsinghua  University in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2019 and from the Chinese  Association of Automation in 2016.


报告时间:58日(星期一)下午 15:40-16:10


人:Chunli WangSINOPEC Research Institute of Safety Engineering Co., Ltd

报告题目:Introduction to Alarm Management Standards, Technologies, and Applications in the Petrochemical Industry

内容简介:This  report will mainly introduce domestic and international alarm  management standards and discuss in detail the history of alarm  management standards in the petrochemical industry. It will also  systematically introduce alarm system performance evaluation and  optimization technologies, advanced alarm management technologies, and  the application of these alarm management and technologies in actual  chemical industries.

报告人简介:Chunli Wang  is an Expert and a Professorial Senior Engineer at the SINOPEC Research  Institute of Safety Engineering Co., Ltd. He has been consistently  engaged in the research and development of intelligent monitoring and  early warning technology for abnormal conditions, process control and  optimization technology, and process safety management in the  petrochemical industry, and participated in writing the first national  standard for alarm management in China, namely, “Process Industry Alarm  System Management.”


报告时间:58日(星期一)下午 16:10-16:40


人:Jiandong WangShandong University of Science and Technology

报告题目:Optimal Design of Multivariate Alarm Systems Based on Normal Operating Zones

内容简介:This  talk will focus on the optimal design of multivariate alarm systems  with multiple-correlated process variables. The geometric space  formulated by allowable variational ranges of process variables is  called the normal operating zone (NOZ). If an operating point is inside  the NOZ, then the operating condition is regarded as being normal;  otherwise, an alarm arises to indicate the deviation of an operating  point from the NOZ. The NOZ model is built,  and dynamic alarm thresholds are designed to implement such a  multivariate alarm system. Numerical and industrial examples will be  provided to illustrate the design methods.

报告人简介:Jiandong Wang  is a Professor in the College of Electrical Engineering and Automation  at the Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong  Province, China. He received the B.E. in Automatic Control from Beijing  University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, in 1997, and the  M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the  University of Alberta, Canada, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. From 1997  to 2001, he was a Control Engineer with the Beijing Tsinghua Energy  Simulation Company, Beijing, China. From December 2006 to October 2016,  he was an Assistant/Associate/Full Professor with the College of  Engineering, Peking University, China. His research interests include  process control, industrial alarm systems, optimal scheduling, and their  applications to industrial problems. Dr. Wang has served as an  Associate Editor/Guest Editor for Journal of Franklin Institute, Systems  and Control Letters, and Control Engineering Practice.


报告时间:58日(星期一)下午 16:40-17:10


人:Jun ShangTongji University

报告题目:Feature Vectors in the Early Classification of Alarm Floods

内容简介:Early  classification of ongoing alarm floods in industrial monitoring systems  is crucial for safe and efficient operations. It provides online  decision support for plant operators to take timely action without  waiting for the end of an alarm flood. This presentation discusses  feature vectors in the problem of early classification of alarm floods.  We will analyze the properties of different feature vectors in different  approaches. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of  different feature vectors in the sense of classification accuracy,  computational complexity, and generalization ability.

报告人简介:Jun Shang  received the B.Eng. degree in control science and engineering from  Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2013, and the Ph.D.  degree in control science and engineering from Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China, in 2018. From September 2018 to January 2023, he was a  Postdoctoral Fellow with the Department of Electrical and Computer  Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is currently a  Professor with the Department of Control Science and Engineering, Tongji  University,  Shanghai, China. His research interests include cyber-physical  security, alarm management, fault diagnosis, and networked control.

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