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自动化学术论坛[2023第36-41期]:ICPS 2023工业论坛

时间:2023-05-06 来源: 作者: 点击:


报告时间:59日(星期二)上午 10:45-11:10


人:Panpan HuVanJee Wuhan Research Institute

报告题目:Research and Development of Lidar and Its Applications

内容简介:In  recent years, with the continuous development of Lidar technology and  products, its application value has been more emphasized in the fields  of mobile robots, intelligent traffic perception, and automatic drives.  This report summarizes and introduces the technical principle,  development history, technical form, and product category of Lidar, and  analyzes the specific requirements and current technical level of Lidar  according to different application fields. In addition, in the form of  cases, the report also focuses on the introduction of global awareness  of intelligent transportation solutions based on Lidar.

报告人简介:Panpan Hu is  a Senior Engineer, the Chief Engineer of Laser technology of Vanjee  Technology, and the President of Vanjee Wuhan Research Institute. He  received his Ph.D. degree in Optical Engineering from Huazhong  University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. He is also an expert  in the Science and Technology Expert Database of Ministry of  Communications, a member of the second Session of the Electronic Optical  System Sub-Technical Committee of the National Optical and Photonics  Standardization Technical Committee (TC103SC6), a member of the National  Optical Radiation Safety and Laser Equipment Standardization Committee  (TC284), an expert in the “Zhongguancun Standard” think tank, an expert  in the expert database of Hubei Science and Technology Department, and  an artificial intelligence expert of Wuhan Economy and Information  Technology Bureau. He was elected into the ninth batch of Wuhan City  "3551" Optical Valley Talent Program. His work was selected for the 2019  Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Database of  Transportation of Ministry of Communications. In 2020, he won the sixth  Beijing Invention Patent Award. He is currently involved in the  preparation of one international standard and one national standard. In  the past five years, he has authorized more than 50 invention patents and published 4 papers.


报告时间:59日(星期二)上午 11:10-11:35


人:Ying ShiZhejiang Supcon Technology Co., Ltd

报告题目:Practice Study on Industrial Internet in Process Industry

内容简介:Industrial  Internet is aimed at the digitalization, networking, and intelligence  needs of the manufacturing industry, building a data platform based on  massive data collection, aggregation, and analysis. At the same time,  Industrial Internet supports the ubiquitous connection of manufacturing  resources, elastic supply, and efficient configuration in enterprise  operations. This report focuses on the practical application of  Industrial Internet platforms combined with continuous production and  high-security integration in process industries, achieving the ultimate  goal of improving safety, quality, efficiency, and environmental  protection in process intelligent factories.

报告人简介:Ying Shi  is the President Assistant of Zhejiang Supcon Technology Co., Ltd. and  the President of the New Business Incubation Department. As a technical  leader, he has received the second prize of Zhejiang Provincial Science  and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of Hangzhou Science and  Technology Progress Award, and has been selected as a “131” young talent  in Hangzhou. He has been granted 9 invention patents and participated  in 2 key research and development projects of the Ministry of Science  and Technology.


报告时间:59日(星期二)上午 11:35-12:00


人:Tao RenWISDRI Engineering & Research Incorporation Ltd.

报告题目:WISDRI’s iBF Solution Promotes BLAST Furnace’s Digital Transformation

内容简介:Steel  enterprises play a vital role in China’s economy, but are also one of  the main sources of carbon emissions. Blast furnaces, featuring high  yield and high volume, reduction of carbon emissions of blast furnaces  is a key branch of carbon neutrality. On the other hand, blast furnaces  are labeled with the "black box" characteristics of high temperature,  high pressure, sealing, and continuous production, and internal  information is extremely scarce, making it difficult to implement  synchronous monitoring. While maintaining stable and high production,  how to reduce energy consumption has always been a global challenge. At  present, the informatization, intelligence, and unmanned operation of  blast furnaces are recognized as the key to solving the above problems.

Based  on the demand for transparency in blast furnace production and the  intelligent perception core, an intelligent blast furnace solution has  been gradually constructed by WISDRI Corporation Ltd., Which actualized  in six steps: less production personnel, intelligent management,  transparency inside the furnace, prompt warning, comprehensive  evaluation, and standardized guidance. Specific measures such as  real-time monitoring of key areas through intelligent monitoring  instruments, analysis on the mechanism and big data information of blast  furnace status, and accurate analysis and judgment of blast furnace  status based on expert rules. Helping blast furnace production to  operate reasonably, scientifically, and effectively, ultimately achieve  indicators optimization and management improvement, and accomplish the  goals of blast furnace safety, efficiency, longevity, and green.

These achievements have made us the leader and the carbon neutrality practitioner of the ironmaking industry.

报告人简介:Tao Ren  is a Senior Engineer, and the Deputy Chief Engineer of the Intelligent  Manufacturing Division of WISDRI Engineering and Research Inc. Ltd. He  graduated in Control Theory and Control Engineering from HUST. His main  research directions include industrial informatization and industrial  intelligence.


报告时间:510日(星期三)上午 10:45-11:10


人:Pengwei TianAlibaba Cloud

报告题目:Data Intelligence for Industrial Manufacturing: Practice Sharing

内容简介:Data  technology with artificial intelligence on top has been upgrading  industrial manufacturing in the recent 10+ years, in both production and  overall delivery process. The presentation will focus on the practice  of research, development, and application of data intelligence solutions  in industrial manufacturing, around multiple crucial topics like  quality, production, energy, etc. with concrete technical use cases and  lessons learned. The presentation aims to deliver some understanding and  patterns from a practice point of view regarding how data intelligence  benefits industrial manufacturing upgrading with added value.

报告人简介:Pengwei Tian is  the Senior Technical Expert and responsible for R&D of discrete  manufacturing at Alibaba Cloud. Prior to his current post, he was Head  of Research Group Data Analytics and AI at Siemens Technology China. Dr.  Tian Peng Wei received his Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University and  has 10+ years of R&D experience in data and AI technology for  industries, with solutions widely applied cross industrial verticals  incl. manufacturing, energy & power, smart city, etc.


A person in a suitDescription automatically generated with medium confidence报告时间:510日(星期二)上午 11:10-11:35


人:Pei Huange-works Ltd

报告题目:Trends and Practice of Digital Transformation in Chinese Manufacturing Sector

内容简介:In  this talk, I will introduce digital transformation models for  manufacturing, data-driven X IIoT platform, big data analysis, and AI  applications. Digital twin applications and going beyond: particularly  on the digital transformation strategy toward building a digital  ecosystem.

报告人简介:Pei Huang  is the CEO and editor-in-chief of e-works, Ltd. Dr. Huang is a member  of the Chinese National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee. He  has 32 years experience of doing research, consulting, and training in  the intelligent manufacturing area, and has been actively engaged in  international cooperation in the intelligent manufacturing area. Dr.  Huang started up e-works in 2002, which grows into a leading platform  that links manufacturing enterprises, solution providers, and academia.  Dr. Huang obtained his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from  Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1997. He  got a senior management certificate from Rensselaer Polytechnic  Institute, Troy, NY, in 2001.


报告时间:510日(星期三)上午 11:35-12:00


人:Honglin LiDongfeng Motors

报告题目:Exploration of the Connected Collaborative Perception and Decision-Making Based on C-V2X in Dongfeng Motors

内容简介:Intelligent  connected vehicles refer to a new generation of intelligent vehicles  equipped with advanced onboard sensing, decision-making planning and  control, execution, and other devices, and integrating modern  communication and network technology, enabling vehicles to have a  complex environmental perception, intelligent decision-making and  control functions, and can comprehensively achieve safety, energy  conservation, environmental protection, and comfortable driving. From  the perspective of perception and decision-making planning control  carriers, intelligent connected vehicles can be divided into autonomous  intelligent vehicles and connected vehicles. Among them, the perception  and decision-making planning control carrier of autonomous intelligent  vehicles is vehicles, while the perception or decision-making planning  control carrier of connected vehicles is composed of vehicles and  roadside equipment. The onboard perception unit of autonomous  intelligent vehicles has many recognition limitations in blind spots,  lane recognition under adverse weather conditions, beyond the line of  sight perception, traffic signal recognition, and traffic guidance,  which pose certain traffic safety hazards to intelligent driving  vehicles. However, roadside intelligent terminals can compensate for the  perception and planning control limitations of autonomous intelligent  vehicles, forming a combination of autonomous and networked vehicle road  coordination solutions, Thus improving traffic safety and improving  traffic efficiency.

This  presentation introduces Dongfeng Motor's practice in the field of  vehicle road collaboration, including system architecture design for  different application scenarios, achieving target-level integration  between vehicle and road ends in the designed system architecture, and  mainly solving difficulties such as target spatiotemporal  synchronization and fusion spatial compensation. After completing the  generation of collaborative perception targets, we attempt to  reconstruct traffic environment information and achieve vehicle decision  planning and control in various scenarios through reinforcement  learning to complete vehicle traffic tasks.

报告人简介:Honglin Li is  the Chairman of the Intelligent Connected Vehicles Professional  Technical Committee of DFM, the chief engineer of intelligent  technology, and the pilot of the AI platform of DFM Technology Centre.  With 20 years of working experience in the automotive industry, he has  successively engaged in vehicle architecture design and intelligent  driving system integration, and led the development of intelligent  driving systems for multiple vehicles. Currently, he is engaged in  research and engineering applications of V2X, and artificial  intelligence, and serves as: an expert in the coordination of  international standards and regulations of UN WP.29 GRVA; part-time  doctoral supervisor for the professional degree of Wuhan University of  Technology; managing director of IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Charging and  Discharging Technology Subcommittee; committee member of Chinese  Association for Artificial Intelligence.

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