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自动化学术论坛[2023第33-35期]:ICPS 2023大会报告

时间:2023-05-06 来源: 作者: 点击:


报告时间:59日(星期二)上午 09:10-10:10


人:Xiaohong GuanXi'an Jiaotong University

报告题目:Cyber-Physical Energy Systems for the Energy Revolution

内容简介:Networking,  intelligence and integration of cyber and physical systems are the  trend of information science and technology development. Cyber-physical  systems are the foundation of the energy revolution and technology  revolution with tremendous challenges on cyber-physical modeling,  intelligence design, system optimization and control. Cyber-physical  energy systems with hydrogen storage offers a possible solution for  energy supply and consumption without carbon emission and pollution, and  would lead to the energy revolution towards resolving the global  warming issue. It is shown that with the nontraditional energy storage  technology the hydrogen enabled zero-carbon intelligent energy system  provides an ideal infrastructure for energy supply and consumption  without carbon emission and pollution, and would lead to the energy  revolution towards resolving the global warming issue.

报告人简介:Xiaohong Guan  received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Control Engineering from Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China, in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and his  Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Systems Engineering from the University  of Connecticut in 1993. He was a senior consulting engineer with Pacific  Gas and Electric from 1993 to 1995. He visited the Division of  Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University 1999-2000. Since  1995 he has been with the Systems Engineering Institute at Xian  Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, and was appointed as the Cheung Kong  Professor of Systems Engineering in 1999, and Dean of Faculty of  Electronic and Information Engineering since 2008. From 2001 he has also  been with the Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems, Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China, and severed the Head of Department of  Automation, Tsinghua University, 2003-2008.

Professor  Guan is a member of Chinese Academy of Science and IEEE Fellow. His  research interests include economics and security of networked systems,  optimization based planning and scheduling of electrical power and  energy systems, manufacturing systems, etc., and cyber-physical systems,  etc.


报告时间:510日(星期三)上午 09:00-10:00


人:Peng ShiUniversity of Adelaide, Australia

报告题目:Cyber-Physical Systems: Analysis and Design

内容简介:Cyber-physical  systems (CPS), such as smart grids and intelligent transportation  systems, are complex systems where software and hardware components are  seamlessly integrated toward performing well-defined tasks. However,  this integration increases the vulnerability of CPS with higher  possibility of cyber-attack that could cause severe consequences to  economics, society, and human beings. Hence, cyber-security is critical  and important in CPS. In this talk, the security of CPS is discussed  from the perspectives of attackers. We will introduce the background of  CPS and security issues, and some existing work on cyber-attacks. We  then present our recent work on the design of stealthy hybrid attacks to  CPS, which enables attackers to launch hybrid cyber-attacks more  effectively to maximize system performance degradation with less chance  to be detected.

报告人简介:Peng Shi  received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University  of Newcastle, Australia, the PhD degree in Mathematics from the  University of South Australia, the Doctor of Science degree from the  University of Glamorgan, UK, and the Doctor of Engineering degree from  the University of Adelaide, Australia. He is now a Professor at the  School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and the Director of  Advanced Unmanned Systems Laboratory, at the University of Adelaide,  Australia. His research interests include systems and control theory and  applications to autonomous and robotic systems, cyber-physical systems,  and multi-agent systems. He received the MA Sargent Medal Award from  Engineers Australia in 2022 to recognize his longstanding eminence in  science and practice of electrical engineering, the Life-time achiever  Leader-Board acknowledgement from THE AUSTRALIAN from 2019-2022, and the  Highly Cited Researcher recognition from Thomson Reuters from  2014-2022. Currently he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE  Transactions on Cybernetics, a Senior Editor of IEEE Access, and an  editorial member for a number of journals, including Automatica and IEEE  Transactions on (Artificial Intelligence, and Circuits and Systems).  His professional services also include as the President of the  International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences, the Vice  President of IEEE SMC Society, and IEEE SMC Distinguished Lecturer. He  is a Fellow of IEEE, IET, IEAust and CAA, a Member of the Academy of  Europe, and an Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.


报告时间:511日(星期四)上午 08:30-09:30


人:Shinji HaraTokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan

报告题目:Glocal (Global/Local) Control for Hierarchical Cyber Physical Systems: Theoretical Foundation towards Practical Applications

内容简介:There  are a lot of world-wide crucial issues to be solved such as energy,  environments, and transportations. Current and future directions of  science and technology in almost all fields including control should be  contributed for realizing desirable societies, say smart cities. This  means that our target systems in control are large-scale cyber physical  systems with hierarchical structure. One of the ideas to properly handle  such systems is "Glocal (Global/Local) Control," which means that the  global objective is achieved mainly by local actions of measurement and  control cooperatively. This is a new control framework for realizing  smart cities. The key for developing a fundamental theory is  hierarchically networked dynamical systems with multiple resolutions in  time and space, and one of the most important issues is how to  compromise the global and local control objectives.

The  main purpose of this talk is to show that new ideas, by exploiting the  special structure of the target networked systems, with utilization of  powerful existing theory in classical, modern, and robust control enable  us to develop scalable methods for control analysis and design. The  effectiveness of the proposed methods is verified through practical  applications including glocal control for a type of electric vehicles  with multiple controllable wheels. After explanations of the background,  the idea, and the concept of glocal control, the first part is focused  on the analysis, where stability and robust stability conditions are  provided for hierarchically decentralized control systems. The second  part is devoted to hierarchical optimal control based on the standard LQ  optimal control, which gives a systematic way of compromising the  global and local objectives. In the third part, a fairly general  framework for compromising the global and local achievable performances  based on a novel setting in the standard robust control. The  effectiveness of all the proposed methods is verified through practical  applications including glocal control for a type of electric vehicle  with multiple motor driven wheels. Some remarks on the future research  directions are addressed at the end of the talk.

报告人简介:Shinji Hara  received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in engineering from Tokyo Institute  of Technology, Japan, in 1974, 1976, and 1981, respectively. In 1984, he  joined Tokyo Institute of Technology as an Associate Professor and  served as a Full Professor for ten years. From 2002 to 2017 he was a  Full Professor in the Department of Information Physics and Computing at  the University of Tokyo. He is Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of  Technology and the University of Tokyo. His current research interests  are in robust control, decentralized cooperative control for large-scale  networked dynamical systems, system biology, and glocal control.

Dr.  Hara has received many awards in control including the George S. Axelby  Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE Control System Society in 2006.  He was the President of SICE (Society of Instrument and Control  Engineers, Japan) in 2009, a Vice President of the IEEE Control Systems  Society in 2009 to 2010, and an IFAC Council member from 2011 to 2017.  He is a Fellow of IFAC, IEEE, and SICE.

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